Yes or no to GMO

Genetically Modified Organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. This is the definition on Wikipedia.

As a technique, it’s hard to say it’s good or bad, but this technique has fierce persistent debate in the whole world since it shows up, for we are confused with GM technique and GM crops or GM food. I think most opponents reject GM crops or GM food, but some people mix these two concepts on purpose which is easier for them to develop GM crops in the name of developing GM technique. But when this technique is used on crops or other plants and animals, it has uncertain risk on ecology and people’s health. As big experiment fields, Indian people and China people will burden this risk…

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The Search For the Rice Mother-a romantic, chaotic trip where the destination is still unknown

The time when Mr Leo Maselli, a mysterious friend of my supervisor Khun Benjamas and his business popped up in my life could be virtually traced back to last November—when I just started my work with LDI. This gentleman is a film producer (for a long time I mistook him as a director) based in the US, who then, after two-year preparation, was about to ambitiously launch a project of film production featuring its background in several Southeast Asian countries along the Mekong River. Just when I had not clarified the genre of his film, I was thrilled with this cooperation.

It was until this June that I had a chance to contribute my so-called specialty in literature to the playwriting of his script. Before that LDI(mostly it means—me, doing it) had to establish a valid relationship with such an independent film maker as him as a base of collaboration and fund raising….

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記一個堅定而踏實的運動者:Dr. Vinod Raina

正如同《印度時報》(The Times of India)所說,與其將Vinod定義為一個「運動者」,我們倒不如說Vinod本身就是一場運動。他用行動證明,公民社會運動對進步理念之追求不必然只能停留在體制外的抗爭,更可能與政府建立對等互信的合作夥伴關係,進入體制內影響政府決策,進而從制度層次帶動更全面的社會變革。

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